An interview by: His Worship the Mayor of Ramsgate
'To-night we have with us Old John Todd of Ramsgate, The Veteran Donkey King of Ramsgate Sands.'
Mayor - Well, John, you've been on Ramsgate Sands with your donkeys for a very long time?
John - Yes, Sir, for over sixty years, I've had my donkeys and my boys helping me.
Mayor - Let me see, you've got five sons in the donkey business?
John - Yes, Sir, five sons.
Mayor - There's quite a big family of you altogether?
John - Five sons, two daughters, 35 grandchildren, seven great-grandchildren, and one great-great-grandchild born this week, Sir.
Mayor - And during the war all your sons were in the Army?
John - Yes, all five of them and two sons-in-law, and they all came back safe. And I had the donkeys myself for four years of the War when they were away. They help me now, Sir, all of them.
Mayor - I believe all your sons have names out of the Bible – haven’t they?
John - Yes. John, Moses, Abraham, Jacob and Aaron.
Mayor - How many donkeys have you?
John - 14 at present, Sir. One died last week. They're out in the country at Wingham. I used to have 20.
Mayor - Where do you get your donkeys from?
John - From Ireland. I buy them in London. The last time I was in London was eight years ago and I walked back all the way to Ramsgate, driving the donkeys.
Mayor - Quite a long walk. How long did it take you?
John - Two days. I set off at 2 o'clock in the afternoon.
Mayor - You've seen a lot of changes on the Sands in your time?
John - Yes, I remember the old bathing vans and Mrs. Penny, the old bathing woman, before we had any motor cars. We had good days then. When the Sons of Phoenix came to Ramsgate they rode on my donkeys and it was better than a Bank Holiday. And now we having a big new bathing pool.
Mayor - And if I remember right your sons have rescued several bathers from drowning?
John - Yes, and once they brought a dead boy back to life.
Mayor - A dead boy?
John - Well, nearly dead, Sir. The doctor said he was dead but they revived him with rubbing him with hot water.
Mayor - I suppose now, John, you re very proud you're still Donkey King of Ramsgate Sands?
John - I feel twenty years younger. Thanks to the kindness of the Council who've let me carry on. I'll be at Ramsgate Sands this summer and I hope all the ladies and gentlemen will come and ride on my donkeys.
Interview conducted by His Worship the Mayor of Ramsgate, Alderman E.E. Dye, J.P. (1933/4)
John Todd - Ramsgate Donkey King - died 2nd March 1939. R.I.P.
For more on Old Ramsgate visit:
Some old pictures of Ramsgate, Margate and Broadstairs and some thoughts on
Starting with the 1791 print of Ramsgate from the newly completed harbour,
as a much inferior copy formed the frontispiece of Richardson's Fragments
2 weeks ago